Let’s Look At The Data

PressureGuardian® was used in testing loads during ambulation at three significant landmarks over a timeframe of 20 seconds calculating the max load and average load over time.
Plantar aspect of the calcaneus
Plantar aspect of the 1st metatarsal head
Inferior aspect of the medial malleolus

The data collected for max load at each landmark during ambulation was as follows:

Without Alger UnloaderWith Alger Unloader
Calcaneus22.75 PSI0.72 PSI
1st MTH2.86 PSI0.00 PSI
Med Malleolus2.93 PSI0.52 PSI


100% reduction of pressure on the 1st metatarsal head
96.8% reduction of pressure on the hind foot through the calcaneus
82.3% reduction of pressure through the tibia at the medial malleolus